General Information

Centro Universitario de los Lagos from University of Guadalajara (México) is pleased to extend a cordial invitation to public in general, Scientific Societies--  , Institutions and persons related with research in Neuroscience, to the Conference Cycle “Recent  Advances in Neuroscience IV” organized in the framework of the International Summer University, since June 18 to June 20 in 2014.

Celebrated since 2004, the main objective of the International Summer University is to promote the dialogue between academics, researchers and diplomatics, activists and media about temporary topics in a worldwide level and it is for university students and public in general. The International Summer University, as an integral part of scientific and cultural development of Centro Universitario de Los Lagos, and together with the Department of Science´s Earth  and live, form part of the academic activities of updating and diffusion of science and culture of this Center.


In this  period “Recent Advance in Neuroscience” we examine in a clear and easy way the recent advances that had been produced in the different modalities of the knowledge and that make neuroscience a scientific discipline very important.


We will examine the advances in the study of the brainy functioning that have been permited in the last decades to know biologic fundaments of the biologic mind, the plasticity brain, the cognition, the memory, etc with the purpose to give to know the concepts and the recent advances that permit students, teachers and people interested in the area of neuroscience, understand the mechanisms related with these neuropsicologics process of clear and easy way this will be useful for their academic and professional formation.


In this occasion we will have related conferences with topics like: Learning, Memory, and Brain Plasticity, Epilepsy, and Biology of the mind. In addition, we will have a course named “Learn, remember and forget: 



General Objetive:

To examine the recent advances in the field of neuroscience, particularly in areas related with process of Learning, Memory, Brain Plasticity, Epilepsy and Biology of the mind.


Particular Objetives:

To promote the diffusion and the knowledge applied about the research in neuroscience.

To promote the scientific knowledge with the relation to the research in Learning, Memory, and Brain Plasticity with a big opportunity of connection with different Universities e Institutions of Research and Health.

To offer and promote a space to approach to bachelor and postgraduate students interested in the research of neuroscience with important researchers in this area.



  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Brain Plasticity
  • Mind Biology
  • Epilepsy


Participant Institutions:

Instituto de Neurociencia y Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España.

International Center for Neurological Restoration. Clinical Neurophysiology Service, Video EEG Unit. Ave 25 No 15805 Playa, Havana Cuba.

Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, Querétaro.

Universidad de Guadalajara-Centro Universitario  de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias


Organizing Comitee: 

Cuerpo Académico de Neurociencias y Morfofisiología celular UDG-CA- 611

Dra. María de la Luz Miranda Beltrán
Dra. María Isabel Pérez Vega
Dr. Oscar Gutiérrez Coronado
Dr. Cesar Soria Fregozo



Building of Research an Tutorshiop  de Investigación y Tutorías del Centro Universitario de los Lagos Ubicado en calle Paseo de la Montaña S/N entre Framboyanes y Paseo de las Acacias Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco.


Curricular Value: 20 hours


Contact us:

Dra. María Isabel Pérez Vega
Tel. 01 (474) 7424314, 01 (474) 7423678 Ext. 66573  

Dr. Cesar Soria Fregozo
Tel. 01 (474) 7424314, 01 (474) 7423678 Ext. 66573  



Wednesday 18

9:30- 10:00 

Dr. Armando Zacarías Castillo 


Do neurons learn?
Dr. Roberto Prado Alcalá



Memory and stress
Dra. Gina Lorena Quirarte





Affective modulation of synaptic plasticity processes
Dr. Jorge Alberto Bergado Rosado



Master Lecture
Nature of the conscious mind
Dr. Ignacio Morgado Bernal 




Thursday  19



Transcranial magnetic stimulation in epilepsy
Dra. Lilia María Morales Chacón




Mater Lecture
Neuroplasticity, basic mechanisms, forms of expression and its utility in restorative Neurology
Dr. Jorge Alberto Bergado Rosado


COURSE: Learning, remmembering and forgetting

Session 1:  Nature of Learning and Memory
Dr. Ignacio Morgado Bernal 



COURSE: Learning, remmembering and forgetting

Session 2: The emotional memory
Dra. Margarita Martí Nicolovius





Friday 20  


Alzheimer's Disease pathophysiological aspects. 
Dr. Alfredo Feria Velasco


Master Lecture
Necessity of presurgical evaluation in drug-resistant epilepsy patients
Dra. Lilia María Morales Chacón



COURSE: Learning, remmembering and forgetting
Session 3. How to facilitate learning and memory.
Dr. Ignacio Morgado Bernal 



COURSE: Learning, remmembering and forgetting
Session 4. Calorie-restricted diet and cognitive decline
Dra. Margarita Martí Nicolovius


Dr. Armando Zacarías Castillo 






Learning, remembering and forgetting: Key brain memory and education

This course explains how the brain learns and forms the memories, the memory types we have and their usefulness, how we remember and why we forget. It also explains the relation between the memory and emotions, how sleeping empowers the memory and changes the contents of the mind and why the capacity of learning and memory deteriorates with age. Furthermore, advice and suggestions are provided to improve the memory, to reduce deterioration when we get older and to improve the procedures and methods of teaching and learning at any educational level.


Session 1. Nature of learning and memory.
Dr. Ignacio Morgado Bernal 
What happens in the brain when we learn. Explicit and Implicit Memories. Working memory and executive cognition. How we remember.Why we forget.


Session 2. Emotional Memory
Dra. Margarita Martí
Why do we remember better and longer events of our life with emotional content? Why are we afraid of spiders or flying? How emotions strengthen the memory formation? Can we weaken the undesirable memories?


Session 3. How to facilitate learning and memory.
Dr. Ignacio Morgado Bernal 
Sleep and memory.Sport and various physical activities. Training the working memory.Study guide with questions. Practice systematically the memory of what has been learned..A little bit of stress is not bad.Reading and other mental activities. Early immersion in multiple languages.Brain’s man vs woman’s brain..Attention to sex hormons. Other activities that benefit learning and memory. 


Session 4. Calorie-restricted diet and cognitive decline
Dra. Margarita Martí
Ageing and cognitive decline. Benefits of the calorie-restricted diet in the brain deterioration and memory processes.